Monday 1 February 2016

Cutting and Splicing

Cutting and Splicing is when you cut scenes out of rushes and then you splice the shot before the cutting shot and after the cutting shot. How they used to do, or even people still do it now, is they would use a Flatbed to cut out shots that they don't want and also splice in shots that they want. The editor will make these decisions, while the Director leaves it in there hands. Sometimes the editor will not like two shots that are together, so the editor will go to his Rushes Log and try to find a shot that they would want to splice in between the two shots, making the scene flow smoothly. The editors assistant will get told by the editor to find them a shot that he/she has decided from the rushes log, that can flow smoothly between these two shots. After that the editor will cut the two shots and then splice in the new shot in between the two shots.

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