Friday 4 December 2015

Montage, 180 Degree Rule and Shot-Reverse Shot

In this video, I made sure that I have shown that I have kept the rule of the 180 degree rule. This video is about a teenager that has applied for a job, but he is late to his meeting. The boss who is hosting the meeting, is not impressed about the teenager. First my video starts with a long shot, while the teenager is walking through the door. The second shot is a medium shot that starts as the teenager and the boss finish shaking hands. As the teenager apologizes that he is late for the meeting, the video cuts into a close up facing the boss. As the boss asks the teenager a question, the video cuts into a close up facing the teenager. Then as the teenager answers the bosses question, the video cuts into a close up facing the boss again. This was the exact same camera angle as the other close up shot that was facing the boss.

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